5 Kinds Of Sustainable Art
Sustainable art is a bit of a buzzword, and there are different types of sustainable art, which depend on the materials used and the aim of the piece of art. Here are some different kinds of sustainable art: 5 Types of Sustainable Art #1 Ecological Art The main focus of ecological art is on restoration …. Read More
Everything You Need To Know About Recycling Art
The word ‘recycling’ means converting junk or worthless substances into useful materials. Nowadays scientists and industrialists use this form to create many materials. But a group of artists has found these junk materials useful long years ago. They use these worthless and junk materials to create different forms of art. Like land art, this is …. Read More
Ecological Art History
Ecological art is an art style that specializes in the preservation and revitalization of the Earth’s natural ecosystems. Its purpose is to educate, inspire and challenge people to think about their own environmental practices. Ecological artists create art that helps the environment or create something that highlights a specific environmental issue. It also challenges the …. Read More
5 Amazing Land Art Installations
Land art is also known as earth art, is creating sculptures on the scenery using various natural materials. Some of the natural materials used in land art are rocks, pebbles, vegetation, and shells. Sometimes many people in the world relate land art with children, and they believe that it is only the kids who can …. Read More
Ecological Art
Eco-art is a form of art that is composed of a mixture of art and nature, and it is done so in such a way as to have some kind of harmony between the two. There are certain qualities of eco-art that have been discovered that have been good for nature and it is therefore …. Read More